Saturday, July 31, 2010

Indian Muslims

Give the Indian Muslims

 ten years of peace'  


Packages and Financial Help require lot of time, as the normal practice in the Government is, however, one fails to know why the Government is failing in its duty for correcting the police attitude towards the Muslims

"My husband was in Phool Sawangi, hundreds of miles away, when the blasts took place in Malegaon a year before. The whole village is witness to this fact. Tell me, how can he plant a bomb in Malegaon when he was miles away?" asks Salma Bano, a resident of Phool Sawangi near Nanded and wife of Zahid Akhter. Zahid is one of the accused in Malegaon September Blasts case. With sheer helplessness written large in her eyes and almost bewailed, she adds, "No way! But he is still lingering into the jail."


Ironically, this is not an aberration. The Muslims in India have been at the receiving end ever since the Independence. Whenever something happens in any part of the country, finger of suspicions are immediately pointed towards the Muslims without taking into account the impact of such attitude on the community, "This is nothing but a mental torture and it looks sort of state sponsored pestering through the machinery", says Altaf Ansari, an activist. And once this is done, the Muslims are now lucky if they can avoid indiscriminate detentions of their educated youngsters.


"They carry a double burden of being labeled as "anti-national" and as being "appeased" at the same time."

Very recently, the same thing was observed after the Makkah Masjid Blasts in Hyderabad as well. Like in Malegaon, as soon as the blasts took place, the speculations of the Muslim involvement started circulating even before any investigation actually took place.


God forbid saying, the State Machinery is working on some pre-planned strategy to nab the Muslims. However, a close study of the Sachar Committee Report confirms this notion to some extent. It is worth recalling what the report says about the trauma, to which the Muslims are subjected to, when such things make rounds in the society.


Report Brief

The Prime Minster of India constituted a High Level Committee led by Justice Rajendra Sachar for assessing the Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslims in India. After an extension of few months, the Committee ultimately handed its report to the Prime Minister in November last.


And the report! It was as if, someone has counted the bleeding wounds of an injured body! Beyond doubt, first time after the independence, any report has succeeded in addressing the actual grievances of a beleaguered community on official level in such a comprehensive manner! The grievances, which were cleverly kept hidden till now, earlier under the debris of series of riots and now under the alleged terrorist activities.


As expected, it was a near storm everywhere in the country when the report was made public. However after the dust settled down, it became clearly known to everyone what is the actual condition of the Muslims in India is in comparison with their fellow countrymen. And despite their beleaguered condition, they are forced to live under the dilemma of being Anti-National.


The burden (or price?) of loyalty

Along with many other torments the community is forced to live with, the report has highlighted 'the mental torture' by the media and the agencies that keep on questioning the loyalty of the Muslims towards the country. The Report has observed, "They carry a double burden of being labeled as "anti-national" and as being "appeased" at the same time. While Muslims need to prove on a daily basis that they are not "anti-national" and "terrorists", it is not recognized that the alleged "appeasement" has not resulted in the desired level of socio-economic development of the Community."


It further says, "Concern was expressed over police highhandedness in dealing with Muslims. Muslims live with an inferiority complex as 'every bearded man is considered an ISI agent', 'whenever any incident occurs Muslim boys are picked up by the police' and fake encounters are common. In fact, people argued that police presence in Muslim localities is more common than the presence of schools, industry, public hospitals and banks."


The report goes on to add, "Communal tension or any untoward incident in any part of the country is enough to make Muslims fear for their safety and security. The lackadaisical attitude of the government and the political mileage sought whenever communal riots occur has been very painful for the Community."


Now the most awful act on the part of the Government! The Muslims had expected, it would have taken some immediate corrective measures at least in this regard. However, one really fails to find anything that the Government has done in this regard.


"While Muslims need to prove on a daily basis that they are not "anti-national" and "terrorists", it is not recognized that the alleged "appeasement" has not resulted in the desired level of socio-economic development of the Community."

Is the Government really serious over the Report?

Not a single day passes when we find a leader, however small or big, reiterating the Government's seriousness over the Sachar Committee Report and its concern for the revival of the Muslim Community. Some even suggesting, backdoor high-level activities are underway and some thing good for the community will definitely come out of it. They even advice to hold on for sometimes as the Government policies take time for implementation.


True, the Government initiatives, schemes and policies take time and if they are related to the Muslims, they take even more time. However, the Muslims wish to know what steps the Government is taking for easing out the "burden of suspected loyalty" from the beleaguered community. What the Government is doing to counter the malicious propaganda against the community and what it is doing about the alleged atrocities against the Muslims.


Just in case you are listening Mr. Prime Minister

Lately, we have seen some statements by the Prime Minister and his ministerial colleagues urging the concerned departments for restrain. And when the Prime Minister said, he had not slept for the whole night after watching the TV images of Glasgow accused's parents, it really had a healing effect. Nonetheless, one is sorry to say that the attitude of the officials and various departments towards the Muslims remain the same and ceases to show any kind of reversal. Otherwise my dear PM, why is Zahid still behind the bars when Haneef is enjoying the free air? Why is Salma still away from her husband when Firdous Arshiya has found her love?


And it is here that the suspicion comes into one's mind about the sincerity of the Government over the report. It is high time the Government realizes at least now that more than bread and butter, what the Muslims in India need today is a better peace of mind. Enough of the rhetoric, it is time for the action now. The actions, so that the Muslims in India can work for the country to prosper even more. It is really interesting to recall what Hasan Kamal, a senior journalist and activist had said in a recent meeting on 'Islam and terrorism'. "Give us TEN years of peace. I just ask TEN years of peace for the Muslims. Then watch out. To what height we take this country to", he has said and there is certainly no doubt in this.



Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Ramadhan 24 Hour programme

Hereunder we suggest a 24-hour programme for the month of Ramadhan. It is an example of spending our time correctly. The programme starts from Maghrib till Maghrib the following day.
Read: "O You who are Great in Bounties, forgive me", as many times as possible before Iftar.
Make du'a 5 to 10 minutes before Iftar. The du'a of a fasting person is readily accepted at this time.
Make Iftar quickly. Thereafter perform Maghrib (for men with Jamat and for women at home).
After Maghrib perform 6 to 20 Rakats Awwâbîn Namaz.
Read Surah Tabarak after Maghrib. The benefit of it is that it will save us from the punishment of the grave.
Read Surah Waqiyah. The virtue of it is that it will save one from poverty.
Have supper quickly. Our suggestion is that due to the long days, have a rest for 15 – 20 minutes before Esha, so that one may be fresh for Tarawîh and Esha salâh.
Prepare for Esha before the Esha Azan and proceed for Esha and Tarawih Salat. Return home immediately after Tarawih or after any Deeni programme in the Masjid. Do not waste time talking and discussing political and business issues.
On returning home, read Surah Sajdah. Thereafter spend a few minutes with the family and try to sleep as early as possible allowing one to arise at 3.00 a.m. for Tahajjud salâh.
Read Tasbeeh-e-Fatimi before sleeping.
Perform at least 4,8, or 12 rakâts Tahajjud salah, thereafter read the first kalima 100 times and then make du'a before partaking of Sehri.
Immediately after Sehri proceed to the Masjid for Fajr Salâh. After Fajr recite the Quran till Ishraq time.
Perform 2 or 4 Rakats Ishraq. The benefit is that your daily work will become easy and you will attain the reward of an accepted Haj. After Ishraq rest before going to work. People who are self employed should take advantage of this rest and also give their employees this opportunity.
At work or at one's business, one should keep one's tongue moist with Zikr eg. Kalimah Tayyibah, Istighfar and Durood Shareef. Those who are bay't to a Sheikh should complete their prescribed Zikr.
Try to be early for Zohar Namaz so that one could read the Qur,an immediately after one has read the 4 Sunnat-e-Muakkadah before the Jamat Namaz. If possible try to read Qur'an after Zohar Namaz as well, depending on how long one's lunch break is.
After completing Asar Namaz, read Durood Shareef at least 100 times and Istighfar 100 times. Thereafter spend the balance of the time reciting Qur'an till Iftar time, not forgetting the du'a before Iftar.

The story of Noah

The Story of Noah

Allah has advised mankind that he will retain some of the signs, Noah's ark, Pharaoh's unspoiled dead body are some of His signs (from history)

Mount of Ararat (Turkey)
A couple of years ago a Fighter Jet Pilot while flying over Mount Ararat of Turkey spotted a huge vessel like thing. Curiously he took many snaps and later on from the
historical evidence he came to know that the huge vessel is Noah's Ark. These are the pictures of the remains of the boat of Prophet Noah and was found at the Mount of Ararat (Turkey). The Holy Quran tells us that the boat was stopped at the Mount of Judi after the storm was over.

Allah's Prophets are His messengers to humanity. Their essence is human and they are the purest of human beings. The Almighty sent each Prophet as a warner to his community until the advent of the final Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), who came as a messenger to mankind. Indeed, if it had not been for Muhammad (Pbuh) we would not have known the true stories of the Prophets as they took place. According to the history of the People of the Book, the period between the birth of Noah and the death of Adam was 146 years. Ibn Abbas narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: "The period between Adam and Noah was ten centuries".
For many generations, Prophet Nuh's (Noah) people had been worshipping statues that they called gods. They believed that these gods would bring them good, protect them from evil and provide all their needs. They gave their idols names such as Waddan, Suwa'an, Yagutha, Ya'auga and Nasran, according to the power they thought these gods possessed, originally these were the names of good people who had lived among them. After their death, statues of them were erected to keep their memories alive. After sometime, people began to worship these statues.
Into this environment, Allah sent Noah with His message to his people. Noah was the only intellectual not caught in the whirlpool of man's destruction which was caused by polytheism. Allah in His mercy sent His messenger Noah to guide his people. Noah was an excellent speaker and a very patient man. He pointed out to his people the mysteries of life and the wonders of the universe. He clarified to them how the devil had deceived them for so long and that the time had come for this deceit to stop Noah warned them not to worship anyone but Allah, and described the terrible punishment Allah would mete out if they continued in their evil ways. Noah's people were divided into two groups after his warning. His words touched the hearts of the weak, the poor and soothed their wounds with its mercy. As for the rich, the strong, the mighty and the rulers, they looked upon the warning with cold distrust. They believed they would be better off if things stayed as they were. So they started their war of words against Noah.
Noah saw that the number of believers was not increasing, while that of the disbelievers was. He was sad for his people, but he never reached the point of despair. Then came a day when Allah inspired Noah not to grieve for his people at which point Noah prayed that the disbelievers be destroyed. Allah accepted Noah's prayer and passed His judgement on the disbelievers in the form of a flood. Allah, the exalted ordered His worshipper Noah to build an ark with His knowledge and instructions and with the help of angels. Almighty Allah commanded: "And construct the ship under Our eyes and with our inspiration and address Me not on behalf of those who did wrong, they are surely to be drowned."
Noah chose a place outside the city far from the sea. He collected wood and tools and began to work day and night to build the ark. The people's mockery continued. "O, Noah! Does carpentry appeal to you more then Prophethood? Why are you building an ark so far from the sea? Are you going to drag it to the water or is the wind going to carry it for you?" Noah replied: "You will come to know who will be put to shame and suffer". The ship was constructed and Noah sat waiting for Allah's command. Allah revealed to him that when water miraculously gushed forth from the oven at Noah's house, that would be the sign of the start of the flood, the sign for Noah to act. The terrible day arrived when the oven at Noah's house overflowed. Noah hurried to open the ark and summon the believers. He also took with him a pair, male and female of every type of animal, bird and insect. Seeing him taking these creatures to the ark, the people laughed loudly: "Noah must have gone out of his head! What is he going to do with the animals?" Noah's wife was not a believer with him, so she did not join him, neither did one of Noah's sons. Scholars hold different opinions on the number of those who were with Noah on the ship. Ibn Abbas stated that there were 80 believers, while Ka'ab Al Albar held that there were 72. Water rose from the cracks in the earth, there was not a crack from which water did not rise. Rain poured from the sky in quantities never seen before on the earth. The seas and waves invaded the land. The earth for the first time was submerged.
Allah told the story thus: And he (Noah) said: "Embark therein, in the Name of Allah will be its moving course and its resting anchorage. Surely my Lord is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful." So it (the ship) sailed with them amidst the waves like mountains and Noah called out to his son who had separated himself (apart), "O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers." His son replied: "I will betake myself to a mountain, it will save me from the water." And it was said: "O earth! Swallow up your water, and O, Sky withhold your rain" And the water was diminished (made to subside) and the decree of Allah was fulfilled (i.e., the destruction of the people of Noah). And it (the ship) rested on Mount Judi and it was said: "Away with the people who are zalimeen (polytheists and wrong doers). It was said: "O Noah, come down from the ship with peace from us and blessings on you and on the people who are with you (and on some of their offspring), but there will be other people to whom we shall grant their pleasures (for a time), but in the end a painful torment will reach them from us."
With the issue of the divine command, calm returned to earth, the water retreated and the dry land shone once again in the rays of the sun. The flood had cleansed the earth of the disbelievers and polytheists. Noah released the birds and the beasts which scattered over the earth. After that, the believers disembarked. The survivors kindled a fire and sat around it. None of them had eaten hot food during the entire period of the flood. Following the disembarkation there was a day of fasting in thanks to Allah.
The Quran draws the curtains on Noah's story. Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al'aas narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: "When the death of the messenger of Allah Noah approached, he admonished his sons: "Indeed I would give you far reaching advice, commanding to do two things and warning you against doing two as well-I charge you to believe that there is no god, but Allah and that if the seven heavens and seven earths were put on one side of a scale and the words. "There is no god, but Allah", were put on the other, the latter would outweigh the former. And I warn you against associating partners with Allah and against pride."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Muslim Educational Conference by AIITA,Majalgaon


On date 18th July,2010 Muslim Educational Conference was organised by AIITA Unit Majalgaon at Z.P.H.School,Majalgaon.This conference was a part of AIITA organised all India introductory campaign in the name of "Modern educayional system & teachers" from 11th July to 18th July 2010.
Conference started with verses of Quran by Maqdoomi Hisamoddin.After this Shaikh Tayyab(Unit president,AIITA unit Majalgaon)introduced campaign's aims & objectives.In this conference Prof. Wajed Ali Khan(Maulana Azad college, Aurangabad) delivered a lecture on "role of teachers in building a society".He said by giving reference of Quran that education is Human's birth right.After this Shafi Farooqui,Pathri delivered a lecture on "AIITA, a introduction".Then Mr.Kakde,ADEI,Majalgaon delivered a lecture on "Right to Education, a view".He said that recently this act was passed by Indian governament to educate every child free of cost.After this AIITA & other teachers organisations who has taken part in this conference,distributed prizes to 10th std. & 12th std. students in form of certificates,trophy & cash prizes in presence & by hands of guests.Convenor of thid session was Ayaz Siddiqui.

Second session started at 2:30 PM.In this session first lecture was given by Dr.Badr-ul-Islam(H.M.,Iqra Boys High School, Aurangabad)on "21st Century Schools".He said that how will be the schools of 21st century , what challenges we have to face what precautions we have to take.He also said that educational,social,political & religious awareness should be created in students.After this Prof. Wajed Ali Khan delivered a lecture on "How to develope moral envoronment in schools"He said that what we are saying we have to do that.Lastly president of conference Maulana Ilyas Falahi(Iqra Boys High School,Aurangabad) delivered presidential lecture.Convenor of second session was Riyaz Momin.
Apart from AIITA other teachers' organisation like Maharashtra Rajya Urdu Shikshak sanghghatna, Maharashtra rajya urdu shikshak mahasangh,Khan Abdul Gafoor trust and others supportedto make Muslim Educational Conference sucessful.Iftekhar Zakee, Shaikh Tayyab, Ayaz Siddiqui, Riyaz Momin, Asrar Ansari, Mushtaq Momin,Iqbal Sir and other teachers from Majalgaon, Beed, Mominabad, Parli and Pathri were present in this conference.